How Safe is Your Water Supply? Plumbing and Contamination

The Environmental Protection Agency released a report that revealed that the United States is among the top countries in the world with the most reliable safest sources of drinking water. In many developed countries such as the US and Canada, water contamination isn’t exactly a big issue.

However, while it’s not on the list of the country’s immediate concerns, it doesn’t mean it never happens. People expect clean water coming out of their faucets, so it’s common for many not to notice any changes in their water supply sometimes. But, if you notice some changes in taste, odor, and appearance, there might be something wrong with your water supply.

There are water filtration systems available to solve these problems, but you should also check if your plumbing system is in good condition. You should also check what their possible causes may be. Keep in mind that contaminants can affect the quality of your drinking water. In places like Millcreek, Utah, going to your plumber to resolve the issue could help, but there might be deeper reasons for the contamination.

Copper Content

One indication that copper has been mixed into your tap water is if you notice some blue-green stains in the pipe. There is also a hint of an unusual metallic taste in your water. If you don’t get your sinks properly cleaned every so often, the stains can mix with your water and make it unsafe for consumption. When you are exposed to higher levels of copper content than usual, you may develop problems in your kidney, blood, liver, and digestive system.

Bleach or Chlorine Content


Is your tap water starting to smell a lot like your swimming pool? This is all due to chlorine. While the presence of chlorine in tap water isn’t a huge cause of concern, it can give your tap water an unpleasant odor.

It’s common for many municipal water plants to mix chlorine with water as part of their water treatment system. By adding chlorine, bacteria and other similar microorganisms that are harmful are exterminated. But, mixing chlorine with tap water makes it have an extremely unpleasant taste depending on the amount.

In addition, overexposure to chlorine has been known to cause a number of diseases, some of which can be fatal. So, if you’re aware of the fact that your public water supply contains chlorine, make sure to get the right filtering system to remove the chemical.


If there is a weird, sharp chemical taste in your drinking water, this may be a sign that pesticide has been accidentally mixed with your water source. Even if you do not use pesticides in your garden, this is still possible if your home is close to farms or places that have an irrigation system.

Some of the dangers of getting exposed to unsafe levels of pesticides are pulmonary issues, immunodeficiency, congenital disabilities, and cancer. Stop consuming your usual drinking water immediately and have the water tested as soon as possible.

Water is a finite resource, but also essential for life. Remember to have your water supply checked regularly to make sure it stays safe.