Drain Pain: Plumbing Professionals at Work

Bathroom drain with rubber stopper

When you step out of the shower one morning, you notice that the water isn’t draining as fast as it should be. Then you hear your spouse somewhere downstairs, probably in the kitchen, calling out to you—water in the kitchen sink isn’t going down the way it should be. The problem is quite easy to diagnose actually—your drain is clogged.

The good news is that there’s a drain cleaning service in Park City, Utah or wherever you might be living waiting to be called.

It is inevitable to find yourself facing the problem of a clogged drain. Regardless of how big your drain pipes are, it could get clogged at some point. If you’re the DIYer type of homeowner, you would probably have a plumber’s auger. But if you’re not, a plumber’s auger would be a completely strange piece of equipment to have around your tool shed or garage.

The best option left is to call a plumber to clean your drain. Some companies that conduct drain cleaning in Park City, Utah and other locations around the country are available 24/7.

Drains that are clogged

Clogged kitchen sinkThere’s only one reason for your drain not to work—there’s a substantial amount of something blocking your drain. How do you know which drain is plugged, though? If your shower drain is the only one showing a slowing down of water drainage, then it’s safe to conclude that it’s the only drain that’s blocked. But if it’s your kitchen sink, several bathroom sinks, and even the laundry drainage has water backing up, then it’s the main drain going out of the house.

Typically, what causes a clog in the main pipe is a combination of grease, fats, bits of food that hasn’t broken down, coffee grounds, and hair. Too often, it’s easy to just let grease and coffee grounds go down the drain without considering the accumulation of these substances that will come back to haunt us.

Calling for help

Sure, you can do it on your own, you just need to buy a plumber’s auger (also called plumber’s snake) and use it to dislodge a clog. This would set you back from $800 to about $3,000, depending on the make and model. What you can’t buy though is the plumber’s skill and knowledge gained through many years of experience. While it seems a simple task, it is not and a pro can do it better than you can.

How plumbers unclog a drain

They would come fully-prepared in their plumber’s truck. They’d unload their plumber’s auger and proceed to address the problem, which, in this case, is a clog in the main pipe going to the sewer.

The plumber’s snake would be prepared—the necessary attachment would be a ‘C’ bit that serves to grab or push whatever is causing the clog. The auger wire would go into the clean-out valve, which is in place for clearing out clogged main pipes. In most cases, this process would be repeated to ensure that the clog is completely removed. Most plumbers would then use a telescoping camera lens attached to a wire to check down the pipe.

Once the service is done, ask them questions about plumbing, as well as tips on keeping your drains clear. They would patiently answer each query you may have. These types of plumbing professionals give the profession a good name with their honesty and quality work.

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