5 Ways to Protect Your Car from Hail Damage

hail fall on a car roof

Hail is amongst those natural disasters that can cause thousands of dollars of damage to your car parts especially the bonnet, boot lid, roof and the glasses. The damage can be severe when the car is out in the open.

Living in Australia, you are familiar with the nation’s extreme climates characterised by wild winds and heavy hailstorms; hence, you’re probably highly concerned about your car’s safety. Plus, watching your favourite car being wrecked by hail is disheartening. So, what can you do to escape the wrecking wrath of the storm? Here are five ways to protect your car:

Install a carport

Leaving your car in the open exposes it to harsh cold weather elements that can cause costly damage. While a garage is the safest bet, it can be limited in terms of space, or you may not own one.

If you are looking for a smart, cost-effective and easy-to-maintain way to protect your car, then consider having a carport through the help of reliable carport builders in Brisbane. With a carport, you can protect your vehicle from not only hail but also sunshine and frost, hence prolonging the life of your car.

Drive into the hailstorm

No matter how careful you are, you might be stuck in storms occasionally. If you are driving and the hail suddenly comes down, you can still do something for your car. If you cannot access any safe place to park in, then keep driving — into the hail. When you do so, the hailstones will hit your windshield instead of the windows. This way, you are able to protect your windows, which are more delicate than your windshield.

Sign up for weather alerts

Whoever said that precaution is better than cure said it all. If you knew that a hailstorm is on the way, then do all the preparation you need. This way, you can avoid any last-minute emergencies, thus ensuring your car is safely parked away before the storm hits. Similarly, you will be in a safe and warm place yourself. Therefore, install a weather app and have the notifications turned on.

Park beside a large building

parked cars

Large buildings make an excellent shield, especially if you cannot find a mall or gas station near you. Park your car on the opposite side of the building from which the wind is blowing. For instance, if the wind is blowing from the west, then park your car on the east side of the building. This way, the wind will force the hail past your car, thus reducing its impact on your vehicle.

Buy comprehensive insurance

Getting insurance coverage for your car is another excellent way to protect it. Your insurance policy will cover you financially in case your car is damaged by hail. Take a comprehensive cover against natural factors. Alternatively, if you have not insured your car because you are not using it, then opt for storage coverage. In the case of hail damage, the insurance will cover you.

Your car is an expensive investment, which is why you cannot risk any costly damages. By observing the above ways, you can keep your car safe against possible extensive damage due to a hailstorm.

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