Home & Garden

Gray granny flat

A Place for Mum (or Junior): Granny Flats for the Whole Family

So named because of their primary use as senior housing, granny flats provide homeowners and their families with more room in their properties and is an ideal housing solution for older and younger adults alike. The challenges of life in the modern economy have made housing a thorny problem among both seniors and young adults

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Black mold buildup in the corner of an old house

Do You Know How to Test Your Home for Mold?

There is a scientific method for identifying mold referred to as mold testing. The professionals run the necessary tests using set techniques to identify not just the presence of mold, but also the types. After identifying the species of mold, the professionals are then able to recommend a suitable way forward. Mold remediation in Denver Co is about

Do You Know How to Test Your Home for Mold? Continue Reading

cosy little house

Going Big on Tiny: 3 Design Moves to Pull off the Small Open Floor Plan

Open floor plans aren’t just for big spaces. They can very well work even in a room with limited square footage. But of course, you’re in for a huge design challenge when you do decide to switch to such. You may need to rethink the over-all flow of the space, tear down a few more

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wood flooring

Types of Film-Forming Wood Finishes

Most property owners are now investing substantial monetary amounts creating the perfect outdoor living space. The realisation of the benefits of fresh air and the trendy concept of green living has informed this shift. Outdoor spaces now feature exceptional walkways, blooming plants, sparkling pools and beautiful structures. One element seen in most exterior landscaping designs

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