Worried about going to your next dental check-up? 5 questions asked by phobic patients answered


It is a tough scenario for anyone to face; you have a toothache that is getting worse, but you are too scared to call your local dental surgery for an appointment.

While you obviously want to get rid of the discomfort you feel and want to have a healthy mouth, it is hard when the thought of walking into a dental surgery makes you shake. Many patients who are phobic about dentistry feel alone and feel that they will be mocked if they admit their anxieties to a dental professional.

So, before you start trying to think of a way to make it through the rest of your life with a toothache, rest assured that in dentistry today, there is help for you. Many dental surgeries offer special treatments to nervous or phobic patients, so when you attend a Glasgow dentist, West End, you will have nothing to worry about.

Of course, this may all sound too good to be true and you may have some questions. Here, the top 5 FAQs asked by nervous patients have been answered.

Will they lecture me?

In a word, no.

When you attend your Glasgow dentist, West End, your dental team should be supportive and compassionate towards your worries.

The days of the belittling dental practitioner are long gone and now, thanks to linking psychology and dentistry together, dental phobias are now taken seriously.

How can they calm me down?

dental patient

There are a myriad of options that your Glasgow dentist, West End may use to calm your nerves.

Some may offer you intravenous sedation or nitrous oxide (laughing gas), while others may be able to provide you with a distraction while you are in the chair. This may include listening to music or watching television; some dental surgeries will even let you bring in your favourite DVD for longer procedures!

Can I bring my partner to the appointment?

Of course!

Many dental practitioners are adamant that nervous or phobic patients bring family members along, to ease their nerves and make them feel more comfortable.

Also, if you require IV sedation or any other kind of sedative to see your dental team, you will need to be escorted home by an age-appropriate and responsible adult, to make sure you are OK once the sedatives wear off.

Will I have to go back afterwards?

If you have attended the surgery with a dental emergency, you will probably need to go back for a follow-up.

If it has been a while since you last visited your dental practice, your teeth may need more than one session to restore them to health; it will be worth it!

Will they help me overcome my fear long term?

Some dental surgeries are able to offer their most nervous and anxious patients additional support for overcoming their fears. This may involve web seminars or even courses to complete online, in your own home. They may even have links to a counsellor who specialises in dental phobias, who can help long term.

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