Curious about treatment with Invisalign? Your top 5 FAQs about Invisalign answered!

Dental checkup

There are multiple benefits to having a straighter smile.

When you have a better aligned smile you are probably likely to smile often, feel more confident and (as a result of all that smiling) you will, of course, be much happier and creative as a person. What’s not to like?

But, if you are an adult, you may feel that the window for having braces has passed. Luckily, you are wrong; as long as you have good oral health overall, most dental surgeries will give you the go ahead for adult orthodontics, such as Invisalign, meaning it is never too late to straighten that smile.

Of course, before you undertake any treatment with a brace or aligner, you will have questions. Is it going to hurt? How long will I need it for? If you approach a surgery that specialises in invisible braces, such as Clear Braces Direct, they will be able to answer all of your case-specific questions and more.

However, for answers to the more general questions about Invisalign braces, read on!

Can any dentist offer Invisalign?

No, they cannot.

When searching for an Invisalign provider, such as Clear Braces Direct, always enquire about their dentists’ expertise with clear and invisible braces. Such aligners come with computer software that requires specialist training to operate and, as with most things cosmetic, it is better to be safe than sorry!

How often will I need to visit my dentist with Invisalign?

Depending on the severity of the misalignment and how many trays you have, you will need to visit your dentist roughly once every 2 months.

Remember, such guidance with this brace is targeted to your needs and so, you need to find a specialist, like Clear Braces Direct, to help you achieve a straighter smile successfully.

Can Invisalign treat an underbite?


Yes, it can!

However, be aware that there are varying degrees of severity with all dental misalignments. So, if you have a severe underbite, Invisalign may not be the best option for you, or, it may be one of the braces you wear during a more complex realignment. Once again, this is why it is extremely important to approach a dentist who is knowledgeable about all things linked to adult orthodontics,

Don’t clear braces affect a person’s speech?

Once you first put them in, there is likely to be an adjustment period where your tongue presses against them, making you talk a bit differently.

Any invisible or clear brace that you wear should not be loose, so your speech should not change dramatically while you are wearing Invisalign. If you notice your aligners are loose, contact your dentist for a check-up appointment.

I wore braces before, but now my teeth are becoming crooked again; can Invisalign help?

Invisalign is the perfect way to resolve relapsing teeth and is often used by dentists solely for this purpose.

If you are worried that your brace straightened smile is falling out of line, set it straight with Invisalign!

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