Buying a Home For the First Time? Here’s Why You Should Consider a Townhouse

shaking hands for purchase of townhouse

Renting may appear cheaper than owning a house, but the risks of your monthly rates increasing, plus the fact that you’d earn no returns from your payments, make it nothing but a liability. On the other hand, if you own a home through a mortgage, your monthly payments can be fixed for a specific term, and your credit score will improve. 

Furthermore, your home’s value may appreciate in time, earning you returns. Simply put, a home will be your asset rather than a liability.

That said, if you’re looking for a place that you and your family can call your own, consider a townhouse among the beautiful homes for sale in a good location. If you’re not yet convinced that a townhouse is an amazing choice, here are more reasons to change your mind:

1. Lower Price Than a Single-Family Home

The most noticeable perk of a townhouse would be its price, which is far cheaper than a single-family home. Even an updated townhouse with multiple amenities is still more affordable than a fixer-upper single-family home.

The only downsides would be not having a large yard and a multiple-car garage, but those amenities can be difficult to maintain. Think about it; every winter, your driveway will be packed with snowfall that’s a pain to deal with. Weeds will still keep growing on your yard even if you pluck them out regularly. Leaks and other forms of water damage will also be costly to repair. These maintenance issues prevalent in a single-family home will just further add up to its costs.

2. You Can Still Own a Piece of Land

In a townhouse, your property won’t only be the house, but also the portion of the land it’s sitting on. This gives you a little yard allowance where you can work your green thumb on.

If you’re choosing between a condo and a townhouse, take note that in a condo, your property will only be the airspace inside, even if it is a townhouse-style condo. Therefore, you’ll get more of your money’s worth in a townhouse.

3. Low-Maintenance

Townhouses in the suburbs

When it comes to maintenance, a townhouse definitely wins. For one thing, you won’t be mowing a large yard and trimming a long line of shrubs regularly. You only have to pay a monthly homeowner’s association fee, and someone else will already trim your shrubs and cut your grass. The shared amenities like the clubhouse and pool will always be tidy and ready for you to enjoy.

Repairs won’t also be a problem, as those could be covered by your association fees as well. Just report a leak, and a handyman will be at your service fast.

4. Security Might Be Better

You might assume that security in a townhouse will be poor since the units are attached to one another. However, this can be effective in discouraging a burglar from trying to break in, because they can be easily seen and heard by your neighbors.

5. Your Neighbors Can Keep Tabs on You

Apart from easily spotting a burglar, your neighbors can also be relied on to keep tabs on you and your property, especially if you’re going on a vacation, for example. They can sweep away dirt and debris on your yard, or feed your pets. You can form a great kinship from the trust you’ll build with one another.

These five amazing perks of living in a townhouse should convince you to make it a top item in your housing options. An affordable space of your own in an urban location is definitely a steal, and your family will surely adore it, too.

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