Traveling Mid-pandemic: Keeping Yourself Safe on a Long Road Trip

woman at an airport

More people are getting restless and can no longer wait for the opportunity to travel. As borders start to open and more people are taking on the roads, you might be tempted to schedule your next long road trip. But before you go, there are a few preparations worth taking.

With the pandemic still causing people to get sick, your number one priority should always be your health and safety. Taking your own car for a long ride can be a safer option instead of renting a vehicle, taking public transport, or catching a flight. To help you plan a safer road trip ahead, here are three considerations to keep in mind.

Plan Your Route by Doing a Bit of Research

So you plan on taking your car for a long road trip along with a few companions. Note that even if you and your travel buddies recently tested negative for Covid-19 and you’re taking a private car, there can still be unforeseen risks. This can include your contact with other people and high trafficked surfaces during bathroom, gas, and snack breaks along the way.

To reduce your chances of getting in close contact with other people, plan your route before you go. Consider your destination and check what the safety precautions are imposed. This way, you already know what to expect and you can stay compliant even before getting to your destination.

You want to check what travel restrictions are imposed on your destination. Study the route you plan on driving and plot the available routes you can take alternatively. Check your map multiple times so you already where to go and ask a travel buddy to do the same.

Prep Your Car Before the Big Day

One should never go on a road trip without having their car checked and optimized for long drives. Your car already gets its daily beating from your regular commute. Now that you plan on taking it for a long spin, it deserves that extra love, care, and maintenance before you go.

You may know your way around cars, but taking your ride to the local mechanic is always a good idea. He can tell you what maintenance and preparations are necessary to ensure a smooth ride. Some things you want to focus on are your tires, brakes, wipers, battery, lights, and fluids.

If you find that a part of your car now needs a replacement, make sure to invest in quality parts. For example, opt for a premium Subaru timing belt kit instead of a surplus one. This will help you ensure engine efficiency and avoid costly repairs in the long run.

It also won’t hurt if you invest in a few accessories that will aid your long road trip. If your car has no GPS or a dashcam, then you might want to invest in each one. If you require extra space to put your stuff, a rooftop box can be a good investment.

A portable car cooler and warmer can help keep your drinks hot or cold. A car charger and power bank will keep your gadgets fully charged. If you plan on camping, a portable shower, car mattress, and a portable air purifier can make your stay a more comfortable one.

Don’t forget to bring your first aid kit, spare tools, and some extra jerry cans of fuel. Give your car a nice wash and wax before you go. Disinfect your vehicle before you go.

man loading boxes in to his car

Pandemic Road Trip Safety Tips to Keep in Mind

To make your first pandemic road trip safer, here are a few reminders to keep in mind

  • Bring along masks, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, and soap and use them properly and regularly
  • Pre-book your hotel or campsite and ask what measures they are taking to keep guests safe
  • Bring your own pillows, pillowcases, blankets, or sleeping bags
  • Keep an eye on the weather forecast where you plan to go and adjust your plan accordingly
  • If your accommodation is not practicing Covid-safe practices, opt to go camping instead
  • Wipe down high-touch public areas like door handles, seats, gas pumps and clean your hands immediately after
  • Bring extra food and drinks to limit the need to stop for snacks
  • Fill your tank and jerry cans of fuel every time you stop for a refill
  • If you need to grab a snack, eat in a restaurant or go for a bathroom break, choose to make it quick and avoid close contact with other people on the road
  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • Take breaks as needed and stretch those muscles

With a pandemic out there, it pays to take extra precautions to improve your safety while on the road. Take great care of your car and have it checked before going. Bring along your essentials and do enough research to make sure you get everything covered. Remind yourself of these road trip safety tips and you and your buddies safe on your next Covid-19 travel.

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