The Man’s Guide to Dressing for Your Body Type

man standing in the middle of the desert

Trends in fashion change now and again. From bell bottoms to ripped jeans, from leather jackets to plaid shirts, we’ve seen fashion trends change from one design to the next. Although they do look good and are fitting in the era they’re in, not everyone who wants to wear them can look their best. It’s the hard truth of life: most fashion trends are started by those with ideal body types, and the ideal body type tends to be rare.
So instead of just blindly following trends, consider how the clothes you choose fit you. Whenever we see an outfit that we like, we feel the desire to replicate and imitate it. Most of the time it goes well, but there are times when we find out that it doesn’t suit our body type. Many try to go on drastic exercise regimens or follow diet plans. Often, the training load becomes too difficult, or the extreme diet results in them needing a treatment plan for binge eating or some other eating disorder.
But should that be the end of it? Should you immediately give up on looking good and fashionable?
There is no need to give up your sense of style. After all, adjusting and adaptability is the key to a happy life, and that covers fashion. Dressing up for your body type is a great way to make sure that the clothes you wear will look on you, no matter what era of fashion it’s from.
Here are a few reminders to help you dress up in the best way for you.

Triangular Body Shape

A triangular body doesn’t always mean you’re obese or need to cut down calories. Sometimes, it’s simply your skeletal structure (having wider hips and narrow shoulders). The key to dressing for this body type is attempting to balance it out or even invert it, making you look like you have broad shoulders and a narrow waist.
Jacket with Shoulders: Go for jackets or coats that accentuate the shoulders. This will help give you look that broad chest look that many fitness models sport.
Stripes on Shirts: You can wear a vertically striped shirt to make your upper body look slimmer. Or you can also wear shirts with horizontal stripes to make your upper body look broader.
Avoid Fitted or Skin-Fit: Skin fit clothing will focus attention on your center. Avoid wearing them, as it will simply accentuate your hips or waist.
man standing in the middle of a road

Rectangular Body Shape

A rectangular body shape is often associated with having a tall and lanky frame. The shoulders are around the same size as the hips and waist, and the arms tend to be on the longer side as well. What you want for a rectangular body shape is to add width or mass to your frame.
Wear Layers: A button-down shirt over a v-neck t-shirt is a great way to add some size to your frame. The thickness will make you look bulkier, and you’re free to wear expressive t-shirts underneath.
Try Some Scarves: It’s a great and easy way to add an eyepiece to your clothing, and it helps make your top look heavier than your bottom.
Horizontal Stripes are Your Friends: Shirts with horizontal designs will help sell the effect of a broad upper body, giving you a bit of size to work with.

Oval Shaped Body

An oval-shaped body means a rounder and more rotund torso, being broader from the shoulders down to the hips. The key to dressing for an oval-shaped body is to frame your body and make you look a bit slimmer, resulting in a more balanced and confident look.
Go for Plain: Plain colored shirts work best with a broad torso, as having a loud or noisy design tends to direct the attention on the midsection.
Wear Trousers: Trousers help give you a more balanced look, as it would even out your lower body with your upper body. Slim-fit pants or skinny jeans are a no-no for this body shape because they will make you look top-heavy.
Be Careful About the Length and Fit: Make sure that your pants and sleeves are the appropriate lengths. Having them shorter will make you look unnaturally round. But if they’re the appropriate length, they will make you look more balanced.
Fashion has changed drastically throughout history, but there’s no need to be caught up in it. Simply wear what you want to wear- but with consideration of the size and fit in relation to your own body type. After all, if you’re not comfortable in it, it won’t look good on you.

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