What Not to Do When Renting an Auto

close up shot of a man holding the wheels of an auto

Renting a car makes life a lot easier when you are travelling outside your own country. It makes the trip less of a hassle and makes you feel a lot safer and much more comfortable, which is why more travelers tend to rent their own car instead of commuting.

If you are visiting the Philippines soon and you are planning on getting a self-drive car for rent in Manila, then you must know what you should and should not do before doing so. Below, we are going to discuss what you should never do when renting an automobile so you’ll be able to make the most out of your rental.

Do Not Prepay for the Gasoline

Many people tend to prepay for the gasoline charges, especially if they are in a hurry and do not want to stop over for a quick gasoline refill. However, car rental companies usually charge a hefty tip for this, which is why it would make more sense if you do it yourself once you get the car. If you are sure that you would return the car with a completely empty tank and are truly in a hurry, then you can maybe prepay for the gasoline. However, it would still be best to do it yourself.

Do Not Get Insurance

Most car rental companies offer insurance for their cars, and for a good reason. You’ll never know what could happen during a car rental, and it would certainly give you peace of mind if you have quite a coverage for it.

However, you wouldn’t need additional insurance if you already have one at home. Call your insurer in advance and ask them if you have full coverage. If you do, then chances are your car rental is also covered and you do not need additional insurance, as this would be redundant. This will save you a couple of bucks when it comes to the car rental.

Do Not Immediately Say No to Upgrades

You might think that upgrades are nothing but extra costs, and you do have a point. During the peak season, upgrading to a bigger and much more expensive car seems to be a bad idea, especially if you are just travelling by yourself.

However, if you are travelling with family and/or friends during a busy time and the garage is running low on their cheapest vehicles, then you might want to listen to the rental desk’s pitch. They might be able to offer you a bigger and better car for almost the same price to compensate for the loss of their more affordable cars. If this is the case, then go right ahead for it.

Do Not Just Drive Away

woman checking her car's engine

You have to check the car for scratches, bumps, and chips before driving away, as the car rental company can charge you for this. Take photos of every inch of the car before driving, so you have proof that everything is flawless before you leave the garage. You should also do a final inspection of the car before leaving it at the garage to make sure that you aren’t forgetting anything.

Renting a car is convenient, but you have to be aware of everything that comes with it to avoid getting into trouble. Always look for the best deals and keep these tips in mind so your trip would be a lot more awesome!

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