Before You Book It: What Kind of Traveler Are You?

a woman traveler in a marketplace

It’s not a surprise that traveling has become very popular in the past years. With just a click or a scroll on the phone, you can check out popular beaches at the other side of the world, compare plane fares and book flights, find out where your friends are living their #travelgoals, and many more.

If you’ve just joined this travel bandwagon yourself, the best way to make the most of your next trips is this: know what kind of traveler you are. When you know what type you are, you’ll be able to plan your itinerary better, from which accommodations to book to activities to try.

The Dare Devil

If you’re the type to say yes to your friend’s invitation to spontaneous adventures like kayaking at the Arkansas River or cliff diving at Phi Phi Islands, then you’re definitely a daredevil. Now that you’re self-aware, don’t rely on your friends or “luck” for that adrenaline-pumping experience. Include them in the itinerary yourself. Maximize your time in a particular city or island to experience something new.

But just because you’ve planned out everything yourself, that doesn’t mean there’s no room for surprise. If you want to add more thrills to your trip, go try outdoor camping. In the company of nature, everything is unpredictable, and therefore more challenge and excitement.

Pack light then. Wear proper gear. And most importantly, be in your best of health. Consult with your doctor before proceeding with strenuous activities.

The Culture Vulture

If you’re the kind of person who wants to see museums, hang out with the locals, and just spend your day at a cafe watching people at the old cobbled streets of London, then you’re more likely to be a culture vulture. For culture vultures, the location of your accommodations is what matters. You’re basically blending yourself into the community to have a direct experience of culture so where you stay affects this goal.

Bed and breakfast is your best bet for this. Why? These accommodations are typically in towns that are rich in heritage. In fact, the very bed and breakfast you choose in Fish Creek may be a historical property. Plus, you’d be able to get in touch with a local instantly, the B & B owner. If you’ll be exploring small communities, bed and breakfast should be one of your top considerations for lodging.

The Party Animal

people raising their hands in an outdoor concert

If you’re not for the thrill of adventures or the peace and quiet of a tiny community, you probably long for the nightlife of the city you’re visiting. You’re a party animal then. If this is the case, you can make the most of your trip by reading up on reviews on the bars you want to visit and more importantly, by keeping yourself safe. The latter is most important when you’re going abroad, when you’re not that familiar with the language and culture of the country you’re visiting.

Don’t go out alone. Go with friends and leave with friends. Commit to a certain number of alcoholic drinks you’ll be consuming and stick to it. Alternate it with non-alcoholic beverages now and then. The important thing is to keep safe. And have a hangover cure plan for the next day.

Again, knowing what type of traveler you are will help you make the most of your next trips. You’ll know which to focus and splurge on, even where to stay. So ask yourself before booking that trip: what kind of traveler am I?

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