Small But Meaningful Tokens of Appreciation

woman holding a small round gift box

Material things don’t mean much. Shiny objects fade and the price tag attached to them will soon be nothing more than a dent in your bank account. If the relationship ends, you’ll have nothing to show for it aside from the collection of meaningless trinkets that you now have to get rid of. Wouldn’t it be nice if the way you show your love to someone is through meaningful gifts instead? These ideas may be simple, but they show unmatched thoughtfulness and dedication:

Their Favorite Food

With seasons catering to lovers, such as Valentine’s Day, couples are pressured to get the sickly-sweet chocolate confections as an affirmation of their affection. But what about other days of the year? You should not only be expressing your love when society expects it. Of course, it would be expensive (and unhealthy) to give your significant other a box of chocolates every day. They’d appreciate it if you give them their favorite snack from time to time instead. That means a fruit basket if they’re health conscious, or you might have to look for they’re favorite guilty pleasures and plenty of reassuring words to assuage their guilt later on. They may not explicitly tell you what their favorite is, but if you paid attention, you’d figure it out, and they’ll know your feelings are true.

Or, even better, learn how to cook their favorite food! There’s probably nothing more romantic than creating your partner’s favorite snack by hand from scratch because it really shows your commitment and effort. Think about it: even the simplest dishes can take an hour or so of slaving in the kitchen, and if that doesn’t scream romance, I don’t know what does. And besides, if you don’t spend enough time cooking, it might help you appreciate the appearance of your kitchen and ideally turn it back into the center of your home.

There are plenty of resources out there to help you cook, from recipe videos on YouTube to cooking technique videos from actual chefs. You won’t have a shortage of materials to help you whip up your partner’s favorite foods and become their favorite, personal chef. Besides, even if you burn a cake, your partner is going to love the effort! Check out these energy-boosting food items for some “after dinner” treats (if you know what we mean).

Love Notes

woman putting letter inside an envelop

You don’t always have to spend money on a gift just to make your partner feel special. Even the little things mean so much when done sincerely. In fact, if you can find ways to make them smile without spending anything, it will be even better for the relationship, as that will not change even if your financial situation does. A simple note hidden away in their bag for them to discover at work or a text message in the middle of the day telling them you miss them already means so much. If you remembered a fun memory, go ahead and share it with them. Found a funny meme you think they’d like? Share the link. Anything that makes them feel like they’re an important part of your life will be rewarding for the relationship.

You can even step it up by creating their very own card. All it takes is some craft paper, a few coloring materials, and your imagination. Get as creative as possible and incorporate as little or as many items in your card as your partner would like. It’s old-fashioned romance: giving someone a card telling them how you feel and designing that card yourself shows you care about the person and you care about putting effort into what you give them.

Or, better yet, write them an old-school love letter. Remember those letters your grandparents would show you every time they’d reminisce about their partners? A handwritten love letter just screams “I love and appreciate you”, not only because of the words you write, but because you’re taking the effort of writing them by hand. And in this digital age, that’s rare.

If you’re writing them a love letter or making a card, make sure to customize it as thoughtfully as you can: you don’t have to go overboard, just include all the most relevant design elements that your partner might enjoy. Adding a spritz or two of their favorite scent is also a pro move!

An Affirmation of Your Commitment

When you’re surrounded by other people because of work or other social engagements, there might be space for jealousy. Though you may not be doing anything wrong, don’t dismiss your partner’s feelings. Feeling jealous is a byproduct of having strong feelings for someone. Remind them that you chose them and show them you are dedicated to the relationship no matter how many people come into the scene. Even better, if you notice that they’ve been feeling off after you told them about a colleague they have expressed jealousy for, do not wait for a prompt or a verbal clue. Go straight into reminding them how important they are to you. They’ll appreciate that you’re in tune with their emotions.

You can show this by something as simple as doing the chores: yes, you’re supposed to do your chores in the first place, but take it up a notch and add a little extra flair when you do them, just to show your partner that you care about what you’re doing and that you care about how clean you want to keep your home. Take some of the mental burden off of your partner by fixing all of the household chaos that you see and tidying up.

Give your partner something that reminds them of your commitment: it doesn’t have to be jewelry, as long as it’s meaningful and from the heart. Bonus points if you made it by hand!

One simple gift is a handmade journal that you bound and decorated yourself. Write sweet notes in the margins or in every other page and encourage your partner to write down their feelings when they want to. It’s a good way to remind them that you love them and are committed to them, even when you fight or have disagreements.

Finally, you could consider going on a luxurious holiday with your partner. Sure, it might be expensive, but if you can afford it, go all out and get the 5-star pampered experience. Hey, you shouldn’t feel bad about treating yourself and your partner to a luxury getaway from time to time!

A relationship cannot be built on material things alone. At the end of the day, it’s always better to forge it with dedication and commitment.

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