Invisalign – The Treatment of Choice for a Perfect Smile


Dentists began using Invisalign in 2001. Since then it has become widely and publicly available and it has revolutionised the way in which orthodontics are now considered. What was once an uncomfortable and scary notion has changed, the introduction of orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign have now become increasingly popular and one of the most sought-after cosmetic dental treatments available. Everyone is looking for a perfect smile, in themselves and in others too. A beautiful smile is one of the first features that make an individual desirable, it increases self-confidence and ultimately positively impacts all aspects of life whether it may be personal, social or professional and this can be achieved with an Invisalign dentist in Welwyn.

How does Invisalign work?

Optimum oral health and healthy teeth are necessary for successful results with Invisalign. A thorough dental examination is first required to ensure eligibility for the treatment. Then following a discussion with the dentist with regards to individual wishes and requirements, a 3-dimensional scan of the teeth is carried out. This scan shows the way the teeth can look following successful treatment, and the scan is also used to help accurately design and create the individually tailored series of aligners, which are also known as trays.

Each aligner is designed to fit the teeth precisely and perfectly, and gently manoeuvre the teeth into a specific position overtime. Each aligner movies the teeth by approximately 0.25mm in 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the next aligner in the series is used for the next 2 weeks until the series is finished and the end result is achieved. A check-up at the 6 week mark can help show the progress of the procedure to make sure everything is working out as planned. Following treatment, the dentist may recommend a retainer to be worn which is just as simple as the aligners themselves, to help retain the results achieved and increase the longevity of the treatment.


Why choose Invisalign?

In comparison to traditional orthodontic treatment such as brackets and metal wires, Invisalign has many different advantages. The simplicity of the process makes it ideal for active and hectic lifestyles, and it does not require many visits to the dentist, making the process convenient for everyone. The whole series of aligners can be ordered in advance and kept at home and used one by one in their order without having to visit the dentist each time, saving valuable time and money.

As an adult, it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable to have traditional metal wires and brackets. Invisalign aligners are completely transparent, they are almost invisible as hinted in the name, which is why they have proved to be such a preferred alternative to traditional metal braces despite their familiarity and success rates. Unlike traditional braces, there are no restrictions to food or drink, as the aligners can be removed before it is time to eat and replaced after food. They are extremely easy to clean as well as they only need to be brushed with a normal toothpaste and washed in warm water afterwards. The aligners are made from soft and malleable plastic which also makes them far more comfortable than traditional braces. In conclusion, Invisalign is ideal for those looking to perfect their smile discreetly, comfortably and in the comfort of their own home, without attracting any unwanted attention and with no inconvenience to their already busy lives. Find out more about Invisalign today!

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