You Don’t Have to Put Your Gains on Hold When Traveling

muscle building

If you have been going to the gym to get in better shape, you know how satisfying it is to see the improvements in your body when looking in front of the mirror. There is a certain high we get at the gym pumping iron on the regular. Add to that the connections and friendships we almost unexpectedly gain, because it’s not really the first place to go to if you want to meet new people.

But life does not revolve around the gym for most of us. We have other things to attend to, and if you are a working man building your career, chances are you occasionally travel on business. So what happens to your gains then? Do you just put it on pause for the few days you are away and pick up where you left off like it’s nothing? While that works and is perfectly fine, you might have to think of a different solution for more lengthy business travels.

It can be a hassle to try and look for a gym during business trips. It’s not worth the extra effort, especially if your stay isn’t longer than a few weeks. Hotels don’t exactly offer a full gym experience either, with only a few weights and a few running machines available. So what can you do to maintain your gains?

Calisthenic Exercises / Bodyweight Training

Don’t underestimate bodyweight workouts! With the right approach and technique, building muscles without free weights is possible. On days you don’t have access to weights, working on muscle endurance and tautness can be achieved through calisthenics. Exercises like push-ups, squats, or essentially mat exercises can help you with other aspects of muscle building.

As mentioned, knowing the different approaches and techniques is important in calisthenics. Since you’re not using any machine or tools and cannot increase weights, increase tension instead. Slow down the rep and concentrate on your form and change the angle of your body to add more resistance. Varying and intensifying your exercises is key to promoting muscle development because if we keep doing the same kind of exercise, our body learns to adapt, and we experience a plateau.

Meal Prep On The Go

preparing a meal

If you have been working out for a while now, you should know that the key to a good body isn’t just about exercising or pumping iron. An active lifestyle and good eating habits go hand in hand. It’s not one over the other. So when you are traveling, don’t make the mistake of messing up your diet.

Of course, it’s not wise to pack all of your meals if you are going to be away for more than a week. But look in your kitchen cabinet and pick out dried foods or nonperishables you can take with you. You can prep your meals for the first two days and then get your food on location. Check if you can cook in your hotel and look for a grocery near your place so you can do a quick run. If cooking is out of the question, you can still be in control of your diet if you know your macros and can track them as best as your situation can let you.


Protein powder, creatine, BCAA. You could be incorporating supplements in your diet and workout routines, and you might be thinking about bringing them with you on your trip. If you are wondering, bringing supplements is totally allowed by TSA, but if you have liquid vitamins, only a maximum of 3.4 ounces is allowed for carry-on bags.

Portion out your protein powder and put them in smaller, resealable plastic bags for easier consumption. Don’t forget to label the baggies, just in case your luggage gets picked for TSA inspection. A neat trick is to get yourself a stackable baby milk formula dispenser. It’s washable, will not eat too much space in your luggage, and usually has a spout design, so it’s easier to pour into your tumbler.

How the Konmari Method Can Help You

The Konmari method can be very useful, particularly if you want to save on luggage space. This method isn’t just about what “sparks joy”. Marie Kondo also has some nifty ways to fold clothes and organize luggage so you can have space for meals and supplements.

The idea is to first categorize everything you plan to bring with you. Start with clothes: shirts, pants for work go together. Underwear, socks, and ties are rolled and placed in a mesh bag. And workout clothes go in a different mesh bag. Organizing your baggage can give you space for workout equipment like resistance bands, too.

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