
woman getting vaccinated

Why You Should Get the Covid-19 Vaccine

As of April 25, 2021, a total of 228,661,408 Americans had the Covid-19 vaccination according to Statista.com. As of April 26, there were about 32 million reported cases throughout the country. On the same day, there were about 572,200 Covid-19-related deaths across the U.S. On April 19, 2021, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and […]

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man eating healthy food

Why Men Should be Proud of Hopping on the Self-Care Bandwagon

Even in the 21st century, men are still stigmatized for proudly showing off their self-care rituals. As such, wellness salons barely get male customers, and wellness products are often targeted towards women alone. There is so much prejudice against men who constantly work on their appearance and well-being, as society sees that habit as feminine.

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The Most Common Misconceptions About Oral Care Debunked

How we take care of our teeth affects our overall health. In fact, a healthy set of teeth are great indicators of good well-being. A bright smile can go a long way to boost our confidence, especially during social and business situations. Others even turn to orthodontists to fix teeth alignment issues and jaw irregularities.

The Most Common Misconceptions About Oral Care Debunked Continue Reading


Before You Work Out: Common Injuries You Can Get from Using Gym Equipment

In 2020, people were pushed to spend all their days indoors as a highly contagious and deadly virus ravaged the entire world. For months, people were not allowed to walk out of their front doors for reasons other than to get food and other household necessities. In a couple of places, exercising outdoors was prohibited.

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Exercise Options You Can Explore During the Pandemic

While some gyms may have already opened, people are still apprehensive about exercising inside an enclosed space during the pandemic. But it doesn’t mean you have to stop working out during the health crisis. You have several options to keep yourself fit and healthy. Many of these options do not require you to leave the house

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man working from home

Working from Home: How You Can Effectively Relieve Stress

Throughout the past few centuries, most individuals would be working from offices since this will help them concentrate and focus on their tasks. But with recent innovations in communications technology and the invention of the internet, many employers and managers can tap into a wider workforce that won’t have to go to the office. With

Working from Home: How You Can Effectively Relieve Stress Continue Reading

canned soft drinks

Should Sugary Drinks Carry a Red Traffic-light Warning? Advice From Dentist Liverpool

According to the British Dental Association (BDA), the ruinous effect of sugar on dental health is quite clear – more than 100 children and teenagers (in the UK) are admitted to hospital every day for tooth extractions due to dental decay. Never before has there been such a dire need to safeguard children’s oral health.

Should Sugary Drinks Carry a Red Traffic-light Warning? Advice From Dentist Liverpool Continue Reading

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