It’s Possible: 5-Star Cleanliness on a Budget

cleaning services cleaning the house

If you’re a neat freak, you’ve likely noticed the cleanliness of top-end commercial spaces. First-class malls, top-of-the-line hospitals, and classy hotels have cleaning personnel going around several times a week to tidy things up. Prime establishments tend to have janitorial staff cleaning the area every day.

Cleaning service providers are a little different. They do highly demanding jobs, such as commercial flooring maintenance, power washing of floors and walls, upholstery sanitation, and carpet cleaning.

When you don’t have the budget of major hotels, you need to make do with commercially available products and tools. Here are some ways to get to a commercial level of cleaning at home without the corresponding hefty price tag:

Back to Basics

Every home needs to have the following essential home cleaning products: an all-purpose cleaner, disinfectant, furniture polish, bleach, floor and furniture cleaners, and specialty cleaners for specific cleaning jobs.

Groceries in your pantry and fridge can double as cleaning products. A cotton bud or towel soaked in a soap and water solution can clean computer keyboards and mouse, stains, and leather furniture. Carbonated drinks not only doubles as good marinating liquid; its carbonic acid also eats away the top layer of rust.

Specialized Tools

Whether you go for synthetic or natural cleaners, their full potential can’t be unlocked unless you have the right tools. Squeegees are useful for cleaning windows and tiled areas. Sponges can be used everywhere and dry, lint-free cloth is ideal for polishing and cleaning electronic goods.

Get the Technique Right

Products and tools mean nothing if you can’t use them properly. Several websites and online video channels offer tips to keep your home looking like a 5-star hotel. Good Housekeeping’s cleaning section always has good basics. Some resources can help keep your house look great and holiday-appropriate, while several companies offer a weekly cleaning routine to help you maintain a healthy home.

Know When to Clean and When to Replace Items

man cleaning the couchGreat maintenance will make 20-year-old carpets and wooden floors look consistently great. But no matter how great the upkeep or sentimental value, if they’re hand-me-downs, sometimes you simply need to replace some parts of your home.

Top-of-the-line vinyl wallpaper can last for 15 years, though its style may be considered outdated in just five years. Remove wallpaper when you feel it’s time to change styles or when it starts to tear away from walls. Cracked tiles need immediate replacing to prevent further damage. Give up on your iron railings if the rust eats through the metal to avoid the risk of injury.

The true testament of a homemaker, regardless of gender, is the ability to do and achieve the most on a tight budget. That doesn’t mean people who spend more on cleaning products or other household items are less competent. Sometimes, it’s easier to buy an eco-friendly brand of silver polish than bother with vinegar.

Cleaning your home doesn’t have to be stressful. In fact, some studies revealed that people with clean homes are healthier. The powerful mood boost that organization brings is a welcome bonus.

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