The importance of actively marketing your dental practice online

dentist checking teeth of patient

Dental marketing is essential for promoting your business, encouraging existing patients to visit more regularly and increasing the number of new patients coming through your door. In dentistry, a new patient usually becomes a regular patient and therefore return of investment in good dental marketing is significantly higher and more so than other professions.

Online dental marketing

The days of paper marketing such as leaflets and newspaper articles are a thing of the past as are word-of-mouth referrals. Everyone searches for their answers online and this includes the answers to their dental needs. Most people have a regular dentist that they visit so unless someone has moved into the area recently, it can be difficult to find patients who are actively looking to book an appointment at your dental practice. To attract new patients, there are many different techniques and methods which can be used in online marketing and these begin with the creation of an interesting, informative and modern dental website for your practice. Once you have an effective dental website in place, you need to make sure that it is maintained well and regularly updated to keep it fresh and interesting.

Google SEO

dental marketing

The more active that you are on your website and the more regularly you create new and relevant content, the greater chance there is of you being noticed by Google.

Google is the world’s busiest search engine and potential patients, in your local area, may search using phrases such as “dentist near me” or “best dental practice near me” or names of specific treatments and procedures. By maintaining your website regularly and applying knowledge of the algorithms which Google uses to create a results list, you can make sure that when they hit the search button, your website is at or near the top of the list. This is known as search engine optimisation (SEO). The search results list is usually endless; however, it is very important to be on the first page of that list and as close to the top as possible because, in this age of busy, hectic lifestyles, people do not have the time to sift through endless lists of dental practices and will only visit the top two or three websites chosen by Google.

Without maintaining dental SEO, your website will get lost in the crowd because patients will not be able to find you. By remaining at the top of the list, you will be able to get more visitors to your site which will translate to more patients through your door. When they visit your website it is important to make sure that it includes all the information that a potential patient could need regarding their dental requirements so that they do not have to find out what the competition may be offering.

Find a good dental marketing agency

To create a website effectively and put together an invaluable marketing plan, you must speak to an award-winning digital marketing team who can help take care of the marketing side of your business so that you can focus your expertise on looking after your patients.

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