How to Organise Space When You Have a Small Warehouse

Small Warehouse

Sometimes, the only storage option that small businesses have is a small warehouse. This can become a problem if it is not organised well and ends up getting too cluttered. A cluttered warehouse will hamper your business in a number of ways. The most obvious one is that your goods will not have a place to be stored in, leading to spoilage or damage. In less extreme cases, it can lead to time loss as it takes much longer to retrieve goods and store them in a crowded warehouse. This leads to less productivity, and it can sometimes even lead to accidents or workflow disruptions. Here is how to prevent this by keeping your warehouse organised:

Build upwards

The best way to make efficient use of limited warehouse space is to build vertically. Instead of taking up space by expanding sideways, make use of smart stacking solutions. Build shelves and racks that go all the way up. Sometimes, it is not possible to build extremely high shelves due to safety and logistical reasons. In this case, it is helpful to convert your warehouse into two floors by building mezzanine floor systems.

Mezzanine floors can give you twice as much warehouse space. If built by good constructors, they are sturdy and long-lasting, supporting much more weight than racks and shelves can. They can be installed fairly quickly, and they are also easily detachable, which means that they will not hamper your schedule too much.

 Make use of intelligent technology

The latest technological trends are very much focused on increasing warehousing efficiency. There are all kinds of tools for making the logistics, distribution, and storage of goods more organised. Not all of them are suited for small warehouses, though small warehouses can benefit vastly from technology.

Even if your warehouse is not big enough for automatic guided vehicles that can do the shelving on their own, it can implement a smart inventory system. These systems can count and keep track of inventory on their own and send you reports of how much inventory you have. This way, you can prevent overcrowding your warehouse by knowing exactly how much to order and when to order it.

Reassess your layout

It is easy to fall into a routine with your warehouse operations. After all, it is crucial to prevent any disruptions to the workflow, so it might be tempting to stick to the same layout and process for receiving, sorting and distributing goods. But it is beneficial to reassess your layout every year. Your business might change, and there could be an opportunity for more space freeing up.

Ensure protocols

Your warehouse could also benefit from the implementation of a strict protocol for loading, unloading, and stocking. Everything should have its own designated space, which can facilitate the running of the warehouse smoothly.

With the right technology and smart planning, you can utilise every inch of warehouse space to have efficient business operations. This will help your business save money and allow you to expand seamlessly in the future.

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