How Much to Tip Your Pizza Delivery Guy

pizza delivery guy getting paid by woman

Have you ever had pizza delivered to your place and wondered how much you should actually tip your pizza delivery guy? While it is not obligatory to tip your delivery guy, it will be rude not to, especially if your house is a bit far from the pizza place.

If you do not want to tip your pizza delivery guy, then you might want to opt for picking up your orders instead of having it delivered straight to your place.

Delivery fees rarely go straight to the delivery guy’s payroll, so it is a must to tip them out of respect and courtesy. Here, we will discuss how much you should actually tip your pizza home delivery guy in Singapore, plus a couple of tips on how to handle the situation.

Where do the Delivery Fees Go?

The delivery fees often go straight to the owner’s pocket or the business’ earnings. As mentioned, the delivery rarely goes to the delivery guy’s pocket, which is why you should not treat this as the tip. Also, note that the delivery fee may go higher when the order is delivered to an office building or if it is a larger order than their usual ones.

How Much Should I Actually Tip the Delivery Guy?

This is just a rough estimate, but you can use this as a guide when tipping your pizza delivery guy. For orders that are 27 SGD or less, you should tip your delivery guy about 4 SGD or more. For orders that are over 27 SGD, you should tip the delivery guy at least 10% to 15% of the total amount. The minimum tip for this amount of order is usually 7 SGD.

If the driver arrives on time, is polite, and nice, then you should consider tipping them more than the customary.

pizza delivery girlWhen Should I Consider Giving them More Tip?

Some situations are just too difficult for delivery guys to overcome yet they still do their jobs and deliver the food straight to your doorstep. If you are wondering when you should tip the delivery guy more, here are a few situations wherein you can add a few bucks to that tip:

  1. If your area is a bit far from the pizza place, let’s say about more than five miles away, then you should consider tipping the delivery guy more.
  2. When you are having your pizza delivered straight to your doorstep yet the weather is not that good, especially if it is raining or snowing a bit hard, then you might want to tip your delivery guy better.
  3. When you have decided to order the pizza during busy and demanding hours, especially during lunch and dinner time, or during holidays and weekends wherein many people are trying to order in, then tip them a little bit more.
  4. If the delivery guy is on time, courteous, nice to you, and respectful, then you might want to tip them more for their outstanding service.

Tipping serves as a huge thank you and that you appreciate the delivery guy’s efforts in bringing you delicious and fresh food. Do not forget to say thank you, too!

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