Best Things to Do in the Holy Land During Christmas

Old city in Jerusalem

Spending time in the Holy Land can be a fantastic experience for everyone. But wouldn’t it be even greater if you visit Israel in time for Christmas?

Taking the time to check some LDS Jordan trips for Christmas is a dream come true for some people. You will have the chance to visit where Christ was born and participate in the Christmas Mass inside the Basilica of the Annunciation. But are there other things that you can do to make your stay even more fun?

Spend a Few Days in Nazareth

Nazareth is where Jesus spent his childhood. You can visit the 2,000-year old home of Jesus Christ in the modern day setting and get a glimpse of what it looked like during his time. You can find the place in Israel’s most significant Christian Arab neighborhood.

One of the highlights during Christmas is the Christmas Market Street Fair done only in Nazareth. The event is usually full of vendors that offer various foods, arts and other trinkets that you might find interesting.

Another event that you can see in Nazareth is the annual parade done every December 24 along the entire main street. At least 30,000 participants attend the parade each year that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. The ceremony ends right in front of the church called the Basilica of the Annunciation. A beautiful firework display soon follows the parade and the Mass held at the Greek Orthodox Church of Annunciation.

Go to Bethlehem

Palace of the king in bethlehemThere is no experience comparable to that of being in Bethlehem during the Christmas season. It is an overwhelming feeling to be right at the spot where Christ was born. You can even touch the very birthplace that is right within the Church of the Nativity. It is a unique feeling that travelers will undoubtedly treasure for their entire lives.

Visit the Jordan River

Jordan River is where John baptized Jesus Christ after he arrived from Nazareth of Galilee. You can visit the same place, renew your baptismal vows and mark your renewal in the faith. Several Christians often take the chance to renew their vows in the same waters where John the Baptist immersed Jesus. Christmas is the perfect time to replenish your promises and do the same.

Celebrate Christmas in Jerusalem

There are other various Christmas festivities that you can experience within Jerusalem. It includes prayer services in different churches, themed tourist tours and the Midnight Mass. You can also spend December 25 in the old city to honor the birth of Jesus Christ.

See the Christmas Trees

Christmas would not be complete without Christmas trees. It would be amazing to cap your tour by looking at various Christmas trees carefully decorated throughout the Holy Land.

Christmas spent in the Holy Land can provide your family with an experience that you will all appreciate for several years. It is best to choose a travel agency that can provide you with significant LDS travels to ensure that all of you will be able to reflect while having fun.

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