A Guide for Start-Ups: How to Find Your Authentic Brand Voice

Small business team in discussion

Business is too often perceived as merely an establishment with authority—telling people to buy their products or services, that what they are offering is the best, the consumers should buy from them, etc. Business owners often forget that their brand is more than just a platform to make money. It’s not merely a profit machine. Instead, your brand is the personality and heart of your business.

Just like you as a human being, your brand has its own identity, values, culture, and story. It has its own voice in a way that it relays messages to your target audiences. And that message you’re putting out there is crucial in determining your success. Your brand’s voice is how you interact with your consumers and with the market. It’s what sets you apart from your competition and puts you in a unique position in your industry. Everything you release, whether it be web content, social media posts, advertisements, etc., are all messages that your brand is telling.

Hence, there lies the importance of finding your authentic brand voice. Those who can do so can resonate with and relate to their target consumers. They can evoke more than just an interest, but a sense of trust and loyalty—which pays off big time when it comes to conversions. Discover your authentic brand voice and create a firm identity for your business. Here’s how.

Discover who your brand is and what it stands for

As a business owner, do you really know your brand? Are you aware of what makes it unique? What is its purpose? What are its values? You might have answered “yes” to these questions based on the premise that you have your mission, vision, and objectives established and printed on your website. But there’s more to it than that.

For example, your business is more than just a platform to market premium laboratory incubators for sale. You stand for a deeper purpose and are contributing to the healthcare industry. You have to dig deep and explore your brand as you would a person. Figure out what defines it and makes it different. Knowing what makes you authentic will give you a unique voice that consumers can’t ignore.

Figure out who you’re interacting with

Now that you have an idea of who you are, it’s time for you to get specific about who you’re talking to. Your brand’s voice, as you uncovered, will not be relevant to everyone. That’s the purpose behind defining your target audience and consumers. An authentic brand does not aim to resonate with everyone. Instead, their goal is to find the people who are like them. They form a community of individuals where they can maximize their voice and share relevant and impactful messages.

Take some time to study your target audience. If you don’t have one yet, find a group that has the same values and ideals as your brand. Learn their demographics and uncover foundational information. Having this at hand will help you formulate your messages and speak your truth.

Learn how to relay your message

small business owner outside his shop

In this world, it’s easy to be misunderstood. Hence, the importance of properly crafting your messages so that your target audience can interpret them properly. It’s not rare for us to see brands relaying to their consumers what they are offering and how they are unique from their competition. But for some, it’s all “talk” and no “do.”

Whatever your message is, it must also be visible and present in how you deliver your products or services. Your consumers must be able to feel your authenticity when they make a purchase. Your voice doesn’t only come into play in your marketing efforts. More so does it play a part in your customer service and post-sale experience.

These three simple discoveries are all you need to make to find your authentic brand voice. Once you’ve uncovered who you are, your identity will radiate and help you form deeper and more meaningful connections with your target consumers. This will yield a hefty community of like-minded consumers who will always stay loyal to your brand—for the reason that they resonate with you or believe in your cause.

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