5 Ergonomic Tips for Pain-Free and Productive Desk Work

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If you’re constantly looking for a way to relieve your back pain after working for a couple of hours, then something’s wrong with your work station. Recently, more attention has been put on the concept of ergonomics, the study of how workplace factors affect an employee’s health and productivity.

Several studies suggest that making the proper ergonomic modifications in a workplace can minimize back and neck pain, reduce blood and sugar levels, improve productivity, mood, and energy, and promote better cardiovascular health. Here are some tips to help you set up an ergonomic work station.

Keep your monitors at eye level.

Ideally, your laptop or computer screen should be at eye level. This will prevent your neck from tilting down and your body from leaning forward to view the contents of your monitor. This is the main culprit behind back and neck pain.

You can elevate your screen by making use of a laptop or desktop mount or stand. If you don’t have any, don’t be afraid to get creative. Use books, empty boxes, and similar objects.

Invest in a good office chair.

When it comes to your work station, regular chairs will not be enough. You need to invest in a good ergonomic office chair that is built with the proper features needed to keep your body in the ideal working posture.

Your chair should allow you to rest your arms at a 90-degree angle. Your feet should touch the ground at all times to prevent strain on your thighs. And the backrest should be structured to promote the natural S shape of your spine. Some key features to look for are adjustability, lumbar support, and a comfortable cushion.

Keep your monitor an arm’s reach away.

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You’re staring into a computer screen all day, and this can take a toll on your eyes. Eye strains are prevalent among working professionals, thanks to the bright light emitted by computer monitors. To prevent eye strain, make sure your monitor is at least an arm’s reach away.

Alternatively, you can follow the 20-20-20 rule. This dictates that for every 20 minutes of work, you should take 20 seconds to stare at an object 20 feet away. It can be a plant, a tree, or anything else you might see. This will help give your eyes time to rest and refresh, preventing dry eyes and encouraging tear production.

Try the sit-stand trend.

Yes, the sitting disease is a thing. It refers to the conditions associated with sitting for long periods, such as increased blood pressure and decreased metabolism. That’s why scientists are recommending that office workers transition between sitting to standing positions when working.

Standing desks are gaining popularity as people become more aware of their beneficial impact on the health and body. Invest in a sit-stand desk or standing desk converter to enable you to make smooth transitions between different positions.

Take breaks.

Ideally, you should be taking breaks after every hour of work. That might seem counter-productive at first, but you’re actually doing your body a favor. Taking breaks will help reduce the tendency for your muscles to strain and stiffen up. As your muscles relax, you can work more efficiently and comfortably, without having to stop every now and then to address back or neck pain. Hence, you’re more productive during that one hour of continuous work.

Ergonomically optimizing your work station will keep your body and health in check. Take these tips and set up a healthy and active work station and get ready to say goodbye to body pain.

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