Your Business Can Survive the Pandemic with These Measures

Man having a meeting

The risk of getting exposed to COVID-19 depends on having frequent physical contact with individuals who may have the virus. The virus spreads through contact with contaminated surfaces or contact through respiratory beads expelled when coughing, sneezing or breathing. Thus, making everyone susceptible to the illness. It’s even more possible for people who have any contact within 1 meter of others at the workplace.

As COVID-19 spreads, employers must find ways to protect their staff. Assessing their work scheduling and exploring the possibility of remote work can help. But what if there aren’t any options for working at home?

When remote working is not an option

For people who need to be in the office, employers may provide them with alternative shift schedules. It’s an ideal option so that they can come into work outside the usual 9-5 program. Doing so will help them “escape” the staggering commute to and from going to work and reduce the people at a given time. Thus, limiting the chances of getting exposed to coronavirus and other illnesses.

Providing PPE gloves for building workers can also help. It can be beneficial, especially when they have higher chances of exposure. According to the WHO, managers and OHS experts should conduct rapid risk assessments to understand the exposure rate. It’ll help them establish better preventive measures in the workplace. Thus, protecting employees who are at risk of contracting the virus.

Prevent worker exposure

Novel coronavirus spreads through respiratory droplets whenever an infected person sneezes or coughs. So, establishing general practices to prevent it from spreading is crucial.

Frequent washing of hands using soap and water for at least 20 seconds is crucial to halt it from spreading. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) says that using an alcohol-based hand rub will do. Ensure that it has 60% alcohol content to prevent any risk of spreading the virus.

It’s best to refrain from touching your nose, eyes, or mouth, especially if you have yet to wash your hands. You should also avoid having any close contact with people exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms.

Employers should ensure that they establish enough restrains to prevent potential exposure. It will help if they include physical barriers to promote social distancing.

man workingMore helpful workplace resources

Aside from setting barriers, it’s essential to look at employer-sponsored healthcare coverage. Employees should understand their coverage and their extent. Knowing these things can help them prepare better. It’s crucial, especially if ever they exhibit any symptoms and need financial support.

They can find more information about it by calling the employee help programs. Another option is by sending a message to their HR specialist. Employee- employer cooperation can benefit everyone. It’s essential, especially when it comes to developing business continuity plans.

Looking at any potential solutions to help prevent the spread of the virus. That’s why it’s always best to look at all possible resources to keep everyone safe. Doing so will protect employees from any unnecessary stress whenever they’re at work. Thus, giving them that peace of mind that they need to perform.

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