Want to add a natural red tint to your kitchen? Hues of walnut that can make your worksurfaces pop

worktop concept

When you are looking for a new colour scheme for your kitchen, getting the correctly coloured wood surface can really be the icing on the cake!

And while it can be tempting to opt for the more traditionally sought after colours in your wood, such as golden hues, there are some real aesthetic advantages to picking a wood that is a bit less conventional. Indeed, many interior designers now look for woods which can come in a variety of different tints and hues, which can give your kitchen a striking and unique appearance.

Introducing the walnut worktop in the UK! While many people will associate walnut with being a strictly darker coloured wood, this is not the case. In fact, depending on which fitting service you use, the woodworkers will be able to offer you this striking wood in a variety of tones, almost as if customised to your aesthetic requirements. Perfect!

But what are some of the lesser-known hues you can have in a walnut worktop from the UK?

Table of Contents
  1. Greys
  2. Golds
  3. Reds
  4. Purple


Yes, the world-renowned dark chocolate coloured walnut wood can actually appear more grey!

Unusually, grey walnut is more of a flat coloured wood, giving it an almost silver tint mixed with an undertone of brown. If you are looking for a dark vs light contrast in your kitchen, you can still have the walnut worktop around the UK that you wanted, but it can now add a more monochrome feel to the environment.


Resembling liquid amber, golden walnut is truly something to behold!

And, like ambers that are extracted from trees, the orangeness or golds in the wood can vary in their intensity.

If you are looking for a more golden/orange hue for your kitchen countertops, then seek out a craftsman who can create you a surface that will exude these colours. If you want a more pale looking gold, then this can be a great addition to a more rustic looking kitchen. In fact, some walnut can actually be as pale in colour as beech, but with added depth and grain that you can only find with walnut wood. Perfect!


Redder walnuts can vary in their depth from looking like a dark wine to appearing to have more purple undertones or even orange ones.

And of course, nothing creates the same statement in a kitchen as a natural red worksurface! The mixture of hues can be used to make a darker coloured kitchen scheme pop or can add a striking look to a pale interior design.


Indeed, walnut wood can even be found to have natural shades of purple.

While not as striking as the golds, reds or even the greys that can accompany this wood, the purple appears as more of a tint. But alongside the natural darkness of the wood, it is a real visual phenomenon that you can get lost in!

Suited to modern aesthetics, purple walnut can accentuate cooler colour schemes, like blues or add a pop of colour to monochrome.

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