The main causes of tooth loss and how this can be addressed with dental implants Melbourne

Close-Up Shot of a Person Holding Teeth

Despite advances in dental technology, tooth loss still remains common in Australia. There are four main causes of tooth loss in Australia some of them can be avoided whilst others cannot. Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss across the world. Gum disease occurs mainly as a result of poor dental hygiene. Bacteria finds its way underneath the gum tissue causing an infection. If the infection is detected early then it can be treated quickly. If you avoid the dentist then gum disease can progress to periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is when bacteria not only damages the gum issue but it can also affect the jaw bone or the surrounding structures that support the teeth. As the support structure of the tooth becomes weak it becomes loose and falls out. Some people lose all of their teeth as a result of gum disease.

Cavities and tooth decay are another key cause of tooth loss. If left untreated cavities and tooth decay can damage your teeth which means you will need a root canal treatment or if you avoid the dentist to them this can result in tooth loss.

Some circumstances are unavoidable. If you find yourself in an accident this can result in tooth loss. This could be a car accident, a fall or a sports injury. Tooth loss can also be caused as a result of systemic diseases of the body such as high blood pressure, diabetes or arthritis. By speaking to your dentist you can find out about replacing your missing teeth with dental implants Melbourne.

Unrecognizable female dentist with assistant preparing for inspecting patient teeth

Dental implants for replacing missing teeth

Dental implants provide a long-term solution for replacing missing teeth. They are small and strong titanium screws that are biocompatible and become embedded in your mouth as a foundation for your choice of prosthetic for replacing your missing teeth. You can have an implant for a single tooth or for multiple teeth depending on your dental requirements. You can also have multiple implants to replace all of your teeth.

If you require a full set of teeth then you can speak to your dentist and find out about TeethXpress Implants. Dental implants take approximately 4 to 6 months to become successfully embedded into your mouth to replace your missing teeth. This can be a significant wait. Your dentist will be able to tell you about replacing your missing teeth temporarily on the day that you have your implants fitted so that it restores the appearance and some of the function of your mouth until you are ready to have your permanent  dentures fitted in place. Dentures can be worn alone as has been the case for many decades however dental implant retained dentures are an excellent alternative that restores the appearance and full function of your teeth so that you can enjoy peace of mind, comfort and convenience and forget that you are missing teeth at all. It is important that you replace your missing teeth as soon as possible to avoid the many disadvantages of tooth loss but rather promote better dental health and enjoy a beautiful smile very soon.


All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

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