Marketing Real Estate to a Younger Market: 5 Ways to Reach Millennials

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Millennials have entered the real estate market in a big way and have gradually become the largest age group of homebuyers in recent years. This revelation means that as a real estate agent, it’s time for you to master the art of marketing to the younger audience to achieve more sales, success, and happy homeowners.

To help you out, here are five efficient methods to reach these young aspiring homeowners.

Join Trade Fairs and Exhibitions

Trade fairs and exhibits are opportunistic events to attend to, put your services out there, generate brand awareness, and achieve a broader reach for the millennial market. You can find the biggest exhibitions or trade shows with the best mileage and largest venues by consulting with experienced contractors for event centers. This way, you can choose which ones to join and have ample time to prepare because contractors normally have a one-year-plan of scheduled events and activities.

Set Up a Website with Complete Information

Like with most modern marketing strategies for different niches nowadays, to effectively reach the younger audience, you’ll need to set up a website that’s easy to navigate and have complete information. Over 54% of buyers state that they search the internet first when going home shopping, including millennials. That’s why it’s best if you polish up your website and provide complete details, including contact number, location of the real estate office, email address, etc.

Besides that, it’s wise to avoid using old-fashioned logos, fonts, and images as it can deter the younger market.

Be Active in Social Media, especially FB and IG

The simplest way to achieve effective marketing for millennials is by meeting them where they are because these young individuals are more likely to trust a brand that’s present on social media. Over 90.4% of millennials use social media, so it’s wise if you take advantage of this and generate more potential home buyers.

It’s best to promote your properties through the most popular platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram. That’s because besides being popular, these allow you to offer millennials pictures, videos, and 3D models of the houses they’re interested in, allowing them to envision themselves living there.

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Create Raffles and Promos

Millennials usually gravitate toward brands that give back to their communities, and what better and fun way to do that than making raffles or promotions. It can capture their attention better as these special deals or events provide them to grab something more other than their dream home, making it extremely appealing to the younger audience. Offering raffles and promotions allow you to increase the opportunity for brand loyalty among millennials.

Invite them for ‘Modern’ Open House Events

Traditional open houses can be dry, stiff, and plain boring, especially to a younger person’s perspective. That’s why the best way to attract millennial home buyers is by making these open houses special events. For instance, you can hire DJs while hosting outdoor luaus or having a Santa photo booth and complimentary refreshments during the holidays. If you don’t have the budget, you can always give small freebies such as USB drives, pens, fans, cups, or coasters or free food, as long as you’re making it worth their time.

Millennials have surpassed the older generation and have become the largest group of home buyers. It’s wise to take advantage of this and take marketing to the younger market as a top priority for more sales and ultimate success.

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