Clear Braces W1 – how can they affect your smile?


A simple smile.

The impact of a smile is one that is often underestimated within society. However, think of this; a smile can improve an individual’s day. It can cheer someone up or put another at ease. It might lift your face or lift your spirits in general. These are only a few of the impacts of a smile, the list is endless for the positive associations of a simple smile

Unfortunately a smile can also be concealed, hidden away or filled with embarrassment due to the wonky teeth or gaps between the teeth which just feel all over the place. The thought of traditional chunky braces which have a head cage around your face may come to mind when thinking about straightening the teeth but rest assured this is not the only solution out there. WIth advances within the dentistry world both in terms of knowledge and technology, the options available to straighten teeth will fill you with confidence and hope. The discreet, fixed braces are just one of these options.

So what are they?

This particular orthodontic treatment uses fixed braces which are inconspicuous and blend in with the natural teeth. Under no circumstances should the individual wearing them have to hide away in shame and wait for the treatment to end before showing their face. These particular braces are able to do their job of realigning the teeth during the patient’s everyday life, ensuring that no drastic or painful measures are being used. Whilst mild discomfort may occur it is understood that the treatment needs to be subtle in both appearance and discomfort. The patient receiving treatment must be able to lead their everyday life whilst receiving the treatment and their life not be detrimentally impacted further.

woman getting dental work done

Should discomfort which is interrupting your day occur it is important to book an appointment with your dental practice to get the brace checked and adjusted. Following on from the initial appointment regular check-ups will be booked in to ensure that treatment is working as it should, that you are happy with it and that any adjustments that need to be made are carried out.

How does the patient know this treatment is right for them?

When first making the decision to enhance your smile, hundreds of questions and possibilities may come into view. This is where a consultation with your dental team will come in handy. All possible options will be presented to you during a consultation and a series of x-rays, photographs and models of the teeth will be taken. Although the final decision will of course be yours, when choosing a treatment it is important to know you are not alone and have the support and advice of your dental team.

As with all treatments and procedures it is encouraged that the relevant treatment or procedure is researched and advice is sought from the patient’s regular dental team. By ensuring that these particulars are carried out the risk of potential problems further down the line are considerably reduced.

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