
woman having a gum recession

Treatments for Gum Recession

Multiple elements pose considerable risk to your oral health. Most people nonetheless assume all they need are clean white teeth and pain-free teeth and gums. Though beneficial, dental health encompasses more than this. One area most people will hardly pay attention to is their gums. It is impossible to have healthy and fully functioning teeth […]

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smiling kid sitting on the dental chair

Safeguard Your Kids’ Pearly Whites Right Off the Bat

When should I schedule my child’s first dental appointment with a kids dentist in Lehi? Are my kid’s teeth developing correctly? Will my children need braces growing up? How soon should I have them brushing and flossing their teeth? Many parents grapple with such questions as they don’t always know how much dental care their

Safeguard Your Kids’ Pearly Whites Right Off the Bat Continue Reading

stem cell in microscopic view

4 Stem Cell Therapy Myths Debunked

Stem cell therapy is being used as an alternative treatment for people with back injuries, joint pain, and tendon and ligament damage. The therapy encourages natural healing for patients who have tried other forms of treatment without positive results. Stem cell therapy has changed the medical community since its discovery. More doctors are discovering the

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women drinking juice and smoothies

Seemingly Harmless Drinks That Actually Ruin Your Teeth

Aside from the foods you eat, the beverages your drink could also negatively affect your dental health. When drinking a liquid, you basically bathe your teeth in that drink, and plenty of drinks could harm your dental health similar to how sweets could. Generally speaking, the primary dangers associated with tooth damage are acid, which

Seemingly Harmless Drinks That Actually Ruin Your Teeth Continue Reading

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