5 Signs Your Child Should Visit a Dentist Immediately

a team of dentists working

As a parent, you already know how important teeth are, especially from a young age. Similarly, you also know that regular dental check-ups are crucial for your child. When you set up a relationship with a local dentist, it becomes easier to remember to attend the routine checkups.

Unfortunately, sometimes your child will need to see a pediatric dentist in Utah before the usual appointments due to unusual circumstances. So then, how do you tell if your child should see a dentist immediately? The following will let you know when it is time to take your child to the dentist.

1. Sensitivity to hot or cold meals

Every child has a favorite hot or cold treat that they enjoy. It could be a cup of hot chocolate or a scoop of ice cream. If your child is avoiding their favorite snacks, then your child may be facing tooth sensitivity.

While tooth sensitivity may go away on its own, sometimes it could be an indicator of the onset of tooth decay, dental caries or a set of other unhealthy issues. If you observe sensitivity, have your pediatric dentist to examine the child.

2. Presence of white spots on teeth

White spots on your child’s teeth might seem normal, but they are not. These spots could be an indication of excess fluoride, or they could signify the beginning of tooth decay.

If you notice further discoloration, then you need to see the dentist immediately as tooth decay spreads rapidly. Your dentist will get to the root cause of the white spots and come up with the best solution.

3. Gums that bleed or a swollen jaw

At the early stages of learning to brush, your little one might hurt their gums causing them to bleed. However, if your child’s gums bleed often or if they complain of sore or irritated gums every time they brush, then you should call the dentist.

Irritated gums or swollen jaws are a sign of gingivitis, an initial symptom of the periodontal disease. Fortunately, they are reversible if treated early.

4. Loose or wobbly teeth

While it is normal for kids’ teeth to become loose when they shed to pave the way for permanent teeth, other factors can cause looseness. One such factor is trauma. If your child is hit or gets a playground fall, it may cause their teeth to wiggle. In this case, take your child for a dental exam to avoid premature tooth loss, which might cause further problems.

5. Challenges or delays with permanent teething

a kid brushing his teeth

Normally, the milk teeth should fall off when the permanent teeth erupt through the gums. Sometimes, however, the permanent tooth is unable to force out the baby tooth resulting in retained baby teeth.

Additionally, permanent teeth may become crooked. To maintain your baby’s beautiful smile, call your dentist immediately you notice challenges with permanent teething.

The next time you notice that your child has the above dental issues, resist the urge to let them resolve on their own. By calling the dentist on time, you will save your child from tooth damage.

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